ColdFrame: Saxon installation

If you're on a Mac using Homebrew, just brew install saxon (and, if you haven't already, brew install graphviz): set the environment variable SAXON to saxon (you could make this permanent in ColdFrame's

Otherwise, we need Saxon HE for Java (Home Edition - paid-for versions are available, but may need a different invocation).

The releases are available on Github; go to 12/Java and download the latest release; in this worked example, that's SaxonHE12-0J.

  1. Go to $COLDFRAME/tools
  2. $ mkdir SaxonHE12-0J
  3. $ cd SaxonHE12-0J
  4. $ unzip Downloads/
  5. This unpacks several .jar files, amongst others. In this case they are saxon-he-12.0.jar, saxon-he-test-12.0.jar and saxon-he-xqj-12.0.jar. The first is the one we need.
  6. Set up a symbolic link to it in the tools/ directory:
    $ cd ..; ln -s SaxonHE12-0J/saxon-he-12.0.jar saxon.jar

This approach has the effect of working with ColdFrame's default setup in
Variable Meaning Default
SAXON How to run Saxon. Shouldn't need to be overridden. $JAVA -cp $SAXON_CLASSPATH $SAXON_MAIN
SAXON_CLASSPATH Where Saxon's code is located. $COLDFRAME/tools/saxon.jar
SAXON_MAIN The Java main program that drives transformations. net.sf.saxon.Transform
(for Saxon 6.5.5 this would be com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet)

so you could set up your own SAXON_CLASSPATH instead.